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Clutterfly Clothing

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Clutterfly products are made entirely from what's already lying around. I sift through junk piles, my friends and family's goodwill piles, clothes my friends and family reject, and the bins! I repurpose all of my pieces from items that would otherwise eventually be sent to the landfill, into uniquely designed clothing. My mission is to give old clothes a new life in hopes of extending their time in someone's wardrobe. I only create from what already exists in excess rather than contributing the masses of fabric and apparel in landfills today, in order to reduce waste to declutter the mess that we are making on our lovely planet!! Sustainably is the only future. My pieces are all one of a kind, designed and painted free hand in the Pacific Northwest.

Clutterfly Clothing: Our Services

Clutterfly donates at least $1 from every purchase to improve conditions for garment workers through Labour Behind The Label 

Clutterfly Clothing: Quote
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